

We can help you attain your goals anywhere in your system- Distribution Tanks, Clearwells, & In-Line!


Most THM & VOC reduction projects start with a pre-evaluation questionnaire to get as many details about your system and your treatment challenges as possible.

Front end options

In many cases these solutions are cost prohibitive based on initial capital costs and ongoing costs.

Vertical plug flow, increased baffle factor at the CT tank

Create a vertical plug flow through the CT tank to increase your baffle factor.  After a tracer test proves a higher baffle factor and longer “T”, then “C” can be reduced, resulting in less THMs being formed.

Mixing in distribution tanks

Sometimes, perhaps 10% of the time, mixing of the storage tanks will keep the residual chlorine higher throughout the entire distribution system, allowing less chlorine to be used at the plant and less boost chlorine to be used in the system, resulting in less TTHM throughout the system. Also, mixing a tank will increase the natural volatilization of THM in the tank, resulting in lower system THM.

Spray aeration in the back end clearwell

Strip THM from the clearwell with spray aeration. In many systems this is the best option, particularly if there is no guarantee the water will ever enter a distribution tank where it can be stripped of THM (since often the water goes from the clearwell directly to a consumer’s faucet).

Spray aeration in one or more distribution tanks

If there are distribution tanks on the system where it is known that most of the water for a particular neighborhood or region does go into the tank, then a THM removal system can be effectively placed in that tank to solve the problems for that region.

Spray aeration in-line at the pipe

There may be parts of town where there is no guarantee that the water will ever go through a tank after it leaves the clearwell at the plant.  For those parts, add an SN Series In-Line Skid THM Removal System.

THM Sprayer

Download our brochure outlining the solutions we offer for THM and VOC removal from all tank types. 

  • Spray nozzle in-tank
  • Ventilation equipment on-tank, ground-mount
  • Inline aeration system
  • Performance Guaranteed!

Ready to Start Your Project?

Let our team of experts help find a solution for your liquid storage project.