When continuous active mixing is combined with frequent sampling & periodic disinfectant boosting (when needed), water quality is maintained and less disinfectant is required.
Most municipal water systems in Canada rely on water towers, above-ground or in-ground tanks to store their treated potable water. Many operators rely on mixing via normal cycling of water in and out of the tank to limit water age and deterioration of disinfectant chemicals (but most often this is not enough).
Inadequate potable tank mixing is a persistent problem for many municipal water systems across Canada. Simply put, tanks need consistent, effective, and reliable mixing. Test sample inconsistencies, thermal stratification, inconsistent water age, low disinfectant, and other DBP issues can all be mitigated with complete top to bottom tank mixing.
Greatario can help identify and provide solutions to many common problems with potable water quality. We even offer a turn-key solution to control THM and VOC levels.
When continuous active mixing is combined with frequent sampling & periodic disinfectant boosting (when needed), water quality is maintained and less disinfectant is required. GridBee® & SolarBee® active mixing technologies were developed to completely mix potable water storage tanks up to 100 million gallons or more while virtually eliminating thermal stratification, sampling inconsistencies, and other tank water quality issues. These technologies have the additional benefits of reduced labor and chemical expenditures as well as providing a means for EPA regulatory compliance.
Passive mixing is not enough.
Reliance on “passive mixing” rarely prevents thermal stratification with any kind of consistency. This can lead to a drop in disinfectant residual and a resultant growth of bacteria.
When bacteria contamination occurs in a tank, a common response is to set the tank for deep drawdown and in extreme cases, completely drain, flush, and refill the tank. Not only is this strategy a big waste of water resources, it also raises cost for labor and chemicals.
GREATARIO offers solutions for a variety of tank and reservoir styles including in-ground and above-ground concrete, CET, welded steel and bolted steel.
GridBee® SN Series THM Removal Systems are designed to provide maximum benefit most anywhere in the tank or along the line. This equipment has received many, many positive reviews and is recommended for use by many large & small engineering firms across Canada.
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